industrials sector

heavy industries FOCUS


SECTORS covered

dcs advisory Experts team

heavy industries

Richard Golden

Vienna, Austria

Lloyd Richardson

Washington NC, USA

Daniel Dean
Vienna, Austria

Victor Saltão
Atlanta, USA

Marc de Gentile-Williams
London, UK

Paul Murphy

Washington DC, USA

Meet Our Heavy Industries Experts Team!

DCS focuses on the certain segments within the heavy industries subsector, mainly in relation to the companies that are active within the following segments of our core industry focus in infrastructure, energy & utilities and oil & gas sectors and related subsectors.  This focus relates to companies that are involved in the manufacturing, production and supply of major equipment components related to projects, assets and services in the following sectors and subsectors:

  • Infrastructure.  
    • Transportation: Heavy earthmoving and construction equipment, tunneling machines, automotive industries (passenger vehicles, trucks & buses), concrete, asphalt and steel manufacturing, railway (locomotives, freight and passenger rolling stock, tram vehicle, rail, tie, ballast & electrification equipment), transmission towers and cables, aeronautical equipment, pipeline, ship- and barge-building, industrial cranes, drayage equipment, and associated heavy equipment industries
    • Water & wastewater: Desalination and treatment plant equipment and pumping equipment, pipes and associated equipment industries
    • Solid Waste: Refuse collection vehicles and equipment, recycling and processing systems, waste-to-energy generation plant equipment and associated industries
    • Social infrastructure.  Building materials, HVAC systems and associated industries
    • Telecommunications: Communications tower equipment, fiber optic cables and satellite industries

  • Energy & Utilities.  
    • Power generation: Power plant equipment (nuclear, fossil, hydro, solar, geothermal), wind turbines, PV panels, wave & tide energy systems, geothermal systems, deep drilling technologies and associated equipment industries

  • Oil & Gas.
    • ​Upstream.  Drilling rigs, platforms and associated equipment industries
    • Midstream LNG/CNG plant equipment and related industries
    • Downstream.  Refinery plant equipment, storage tanks and related equipment industries

DCS expert affiliates provide comprehensive advisory services to heavy industries companies with respect to projects, transactions, initiatives, opportunities and above core infrastructure, energy & utilities and oil & gas sectors and subsectors.

Please click on the below links to learn more about the specific services related to the heavy industries subsector that DCS experts can offer:​

DCS focuses on providing the above services in the heavy industries subsector to the following categories of clients: