Lloyd Richardson 

DCS Affiliate

Lloyd Richardson is a veteran finance & corporate attorney, with 25 years’ experience in infrastructure development, finance & regulation (energy—incl. hydro, HFO, solar, wind, waste-to-energy, public, co-gen and IPP; transport—incl. ports, airports, road, and rail; water & wastewater; education; and healthcare), with specialties in privatization and public-private partnerships (“P3” or “PPP”), including (i) corporate governance and (ii) government procurement requirements for infrastructure projects. Lloyd was named to “Best Lawyers in America” by his peers in public finance from 2007 to 2014.

Lloyd Richardson Detailed CV (PDF)

Lloyd’s representative clients/engagements include private companies, government issuers, and underwriters in securities offerings; portfolio companies for equity funds; corporate law and governance; and corporate & project finance. He has worked extensively with municipal, provincial/state, and national government clients and, for many years, has advised boards of directors/trustees of governmental, nonprofit and for-profit entities in corporate governance and finance matters. Through his experience on complex infrastructure projects, he has developed a keen sense of operational matters and the management skills necessary to achieve objectives imposed by financing parties.

Lloyd has extensive transportation experience. In 2020-21, Lloyd undertook technical due diligence on the $3.9 billion Hampton Roads I-64 Bridge Tunnel Extension in the United States, advising the Build America Bureau of the US Department of Transportation. He served as bond counsel for a decade to the Virginia Port Authority, where he assisted VPA to roll out a $3 billion capital plan and procure, evaluate, finance, and close several P3 opportunities for the Ports, one of which was a novel “reverse privatization.” Lloyd’s closed his first P3 financing and procurement in the early 1990s for the pioneering air cargo facility undertaken by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, an independent, regional government authority, through a private developer, where he served as investment bank counsel. He has since worked on numerous P3 transactions both domestically and globally. Lloyd has delivered P3 training to hundreds of high-level government officials and private sector executives in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe; much of that experience was gained as an adjunct Instructor at The Institute for Public Private Partnerships (IP3) in Arlington, Virginia (USA), from 2008 to 2011.

Lloyd has also worked extensively in the power and utilities sector. Since 2012, he has been special counsel advising on governance, structuring, and procurement issues to the governing body and Secretariat of CASA-1000, a World Bank-funded $1.2 billion regional power transmission project developed and implemented jointly by the Governments of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, with public and private sector participation. In 2019-20, Lloyd prepared and delivered to the GOU an Implementation Roadmap for UETCL, Uganda’s unbundled transmission company, to advise how best to use Transmission PPPs to expand Uganda’s grid and evacuate more energy from substantial hydro resources in-country. In 2019, Lloyd also served as Legal Counsel for NELSAP-CU (Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program–Coordination Unit), reviewing legal and governance structure of the three-country, World Bank-financed 80 MW hydro-electric project at Rusumo Falls on the Kagera River, located at the border of Rwanda and Tanzania. In 2016, Lloyd served on the Transaction Advisory Team with Power Africa funding to assist Liberia Electricity Corporation to prepare the bid package for a new O&M operator to be funded by MCC. The same year, he was engaged by the EU as Senior International Regulatory Expert (Legal), to build capacity and improve function at Liberia’s Bureau of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, Ministry of Land, Mines and Energy of Liberia. In 2011-2012, Lloyd was based in Nairobi, where he worked for the US Treasury as embedded advisor to Kenya’s PPP Secretariat, housed in the Ministry of Finance. In that same period, he worked with the US-Tanzania Power Sector Technical Team under USAID’s multi-donor Partnership for Growth program to develop a specific Action Plan for enhancement of Tanzania’s energy sector and modernization of TANESCO, including by use of P3s.

Lloyd is trained in international development economics and has emerging markets experience in China, Taiwan, India, Central & South Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa. He is accomplished in Alternative Dispute Resolution, including as a FINRA arbitrator/mediator. Lloyd is a former US Foreign Service Officer, fluent in Chinese. He is a published writer and holds degrees from Brown, Princeton, and Columbia. His started his career in management training at IBM.

Currently, Lloyd is an independent consultant and attorney, based in the US, developing infrastructure projects in a broad variety of sectors, largely in emerging markets.

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